I’ve been super busy with updating Masterful Death on Ream so you can sign up there to read more of it!
***Lucian hated looking like an idiot, but here he was, his mouth puffing like a fish out of water. This woman was commissioning him for her suicide, and yet it felt as if the clammy skeletal fingers of the reaper was constricting around his neck. "This...is not what I was expected at all." His eyes narrowed, "You are not my typical subject."
"I will pay you, handsomely. In fact, once your finish my commission, I clearly will no longer be needing my assets nor this estate. My lawyers are drafting a will as we negotiate. You will be my sole beneficiary and all I have will be yours. Once you kill me, of course."
He sunk into the chair. This carcass of a woman was stealing his breath away. "You can't possibly mean that. You would give me, the executioner of your assisted suicide, everything? Not just your life...but this?!" He suddenly stood up, his arms spread wide as he motioned to...well everything.
"I have certain conditions...but yes. I would."
He went behind the bar, grabbing the first decanter he saw and filled a tumbler glass wall the way to the top. Slamming the bottle down, he took a heavy gulp, needing something to fill him with warmth. He was shivering, the life being taken away from him, "And those are?"
"I will be your final masterpiece. Your swansong. You will shut off your exhibits and leave no more breadcrumbs. The trail will end...with me."
He wanted to say no. He had to say no.
He loved his art too much. He loved the excitement, the rush! Some men love the hunt, but he loved the creation of beauty through delivering death. He was meticulously in his hunt sure, and perhaps he even enjoy prolonging the tension, but it was the feeling of blood, the snapping and slicing of pain, the chiseling and carving of muscles and skin that moved him...
He loved money though. He loved the wealth and the luxuries of life and he had to admit, with all that he saw today, he knew that she had everything he could ever desire. Yet her being his final work? That was hard to swallow.***
Read more by joining me on REAM!
Fashion Video!
December 4, 2023
The Letters Between Sex and Violence Volume 2
Books Worth A Mention
The fate of the Cosmos rests in the hands of an unlikely team of unusual friends. Will an exiled member of an ancient extraterrestrial race, a human ghost, and two ghouls be able to outfox an ancient evil and beat Nyarlathotep at his game before time runs out? This buddy story is the first in a series of New Cthulhu Mythos cliffhangers.
Book Fair
I hope you enjoyed reading this weekend and found an amazing book or two to read this week!
Stay safe, stay healthy, and always, Stay Happy!