I’m a few days late but I wanted to finish up some images for you!
Ira in pink because why not? Will be posted the full Hi-Def download on my Ream for the ReamTeam 😀

My next idea is for a Cyberpunk Thriller inspired by Citizen Sleeper, Battle Angel Alita, and Tirzah's Monarch's Daughter, so we now have a logo for Neon Doll Elysia. It is a Dark Ero Romance Thriller with mystery, intrigue, body horror, and spice level super high 😀
What do you think of my idea?
Anthologies I’m In
Genie in a Bottle Anthology (This has been extended until October 31!!!)
Cracked Fairy Tales(Just released September 1! Did you get your copy?)
They all release this year so check them out and you’ll hear more about each in upcoming emails from me! I’d love to know which you are most excited for, so let me know!
Join Ream to get special art and more at https://reamstories.com/codalanguez
Featured Book
Candi knew hot things happened behind closed doors at the Pearl Beach Resort. After all, the place was owned by bisexual billionaire playboy Boris van Donk, who had a reputation for taking on all comers.
Candi's family of origin was strictly religious, and she has never given or received more than a chaste kiss in her 21 years. Between bad-boy Boris and her geeky, fun-loving, porn-writing housemates, an awakening of her desires is inevitable.
Book Fairs
Hope you enjoyed reading this week and found an amazing book or two to read this week!
Stay safe, stay healthy, and always, Stay Happy!