Update on Red's Familiar!
Happy Sunday!
Surprise! I’m doing a Host a Book of the Month over on Ream at https://reamstories.com/codalanguez where I am hosting S.G. Huntress’ book Quickes for the month of January!
She is hosting Birth of a Sin Volume 1 over on her Ream at https://reamstories.com/crazyladyshouldliveinashoe
What does this mean? If you follow me, you can read her book without following her, but we hope you love her book so much that you jump over to her Ream too!
Fashion Friday
Modern/plunging wedding dresses, starring Ira of Birth of a Sin
Red’s Familiar News
I’ve been a bit late with getting my piece to the organizer, but good thing she knows me and is granting some leniecy so I plan to turn it into her in about a week!
As a group we’ve decided that Red’s Familiar will have an ebook cover AND a different cover for Paperback!! You can pre-order the ebook now at www.books2read.com/redsfamiliar and the paperback will be available shortly after the ebook goes live. We’re also trying to hit 100 pre-orders by end of January so any help would be amazing!
Books Worth A Mention
West used to know exactly who he was and exactly what he was doing. He was the master of his craft until he met Kara, the woman who turned his world upside down. One fateful misstep, and he is left a mere echo of his former self, adrift and yearning for something he cannot quite put into words.
Time should heal all wounds, but when Kara, ready to forgive, returns to find West, she discovers a transformed man. Gone is the gruff dominance she craves, buried under a shell of indifference and alienation from everything that defined him.
Can they fight their way back to the fiery connection that bound them?
Book Fairs
I hope you enjoyed reading this week and found an amazing book or two to read this week!
Stay safe, stay healthy, and always, Stay Happy!